How Do You Youtube?

Yesterday, I received my Ipsy, which is a monthly makeup subscription. I didn't know how to use one of the products, so I looked it up on YouTube. Last week, our dishwasher broke, so my dad looked up on YouTube how to fix it and now we have a working dishwasher. How often do you use YouTube?

Being a YouTuber is now a career. People from all over the world are making a living from YouTube and becoming famous for simply uploading a video weekly. If you were to ask me what my job was and I said, “I’m a YouTuber," would you be shocked? The enormity of people using YouTube as a platform today is rapidly growing and, who knows, soon perhaps fewer people will be sitting in offices working; they will, instead, be at home filming themselves, earning an enormous amount of money!

Once a YouTuber hits 10,000 subscribers, they can get up to one hundred dollars from advertisers alone. They can also receive up to three hundred dollars from sponsors for each and every video they upload! There are additional revenues they can get which depend on the number of subscribers they have and the number of views they receive. For example, PewDiePie is the YouTuber with the most subscribers; he currently has 66.6 million subscribers (by comparison, the United Kingdom has 66 million citizens). PewDiePie makes close to $12 million dollars per year.

These YouTubers are some of the biggest influencers today. If our favorite YouTuber uses a product in their video, we are going to want to go out and purchase that product. Marketing through YouTube can be a huge success. YouTube is one of the most visited sites, and people of all ages can spend hours on it. One research study showed that 32% of millennials aged thirteen to seventeen are more likely to look up to a YouTuber than a celebrity. This same study also found that people feel they can easily relate to these YouTubers and channels.

YouTube can also change our lifestyles and daily routine. For example, in order to workout you used to have to go to the gym but now you can just look up a routine on YouTube, and boom, you have over 100 different videos to watch and follow. It’s the same situation with different types of tutorials, recipes, and other educational videos. For some reason, our generation is even interested in sitting watching people do things like makeup, hair, opening gifts, and eating food!

However, it is important that you are aware that YouTube has its positive and negative attributes. The positive is that, of course, it is entertaining and helpful. Not only that, but it is astounding that people are earning just as much (if not more) money than they would be if they were working an office job, and they are still getting to do what they love from inside their houses.

However, the negative side of YouTube is that everyone has access to it, and anyone can upload a video. People can be biased and rude in the videos they upload, comments they leave, etc. Another thing to think about is the reliability of YouTube’s content. What if these videos are providing us with incorrect information? This is difficult considering YouTube is used for both entertainment and educational purposes.
Overall, YouTube is impacting our lives in ways we could never have imagined. It may sound crazy, but it is actually changing our society.


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