Conspiracy Theories: So Are They True?

The Earth is flat. The Illuminati. Shane Dawson. These are words that pop into my head when I think of conspiracy theories. It's still chilly outside and all I want to do is cozy up in my bed to watch some juicy youtube videos. You’ve probably heard of or seen the Mind of Jake Paul episodes by the famous influencer, Shane Dawson. These 50 minutes episodes are absolutely delicious, but how true are they, and do people really believe them? Many believe that they are just based off of rare or unlikely events, and they question these far-fetched theories. After watching an episode, I briefly stop and wonder, is this conspiracy theory really true or do I just want it to be true in some weird way? Undoubtedly, conspiracy theories can answer questions about things that can’t be explained. But before we fall down the rabbit hole, we need to find the nucleus of conspiracy theories. We have all heard of different kinds of conspiracy theories, maybe at camp or with friends. To me, conspiracy theories are always enticing and thought-provoking. I assume they are appealing to mainly the younger generation because of the era we live. We live in a world full of fake news, and lack of trust in political leaders. It's rare to find information that is honest and if you do, how do you know if it is trustworthy? The internet is so big, and it's difficult to find credible sources with raw information. There is a considerable amount that we don’t understand, especially now with new branches of science and technology being uncovered every day. I agree, it's hard to keep up with so much. Times have changed from the past few hundred years and our first instinct is to not fully trust or trust at all. Conspiracy theories are alternative answers that we come up with in replacement for logic, therefore they are more ambiguous. In this complicated world we live in, it’s occasionally refreshing to hear a simple yet intriguing answer. These answers tend to be more direct and light for one to take in. We are like bees to honey when comes to conspiracy theories. They attract us in every possible way, whether you believe in the concept or not. Like little pieces of gossip, they have the power to attract humans. Personally, the pros and cons compliment each other nicely. If you break down the word itself, conspiracy is an act or agreement of a certain group of people that are against the conventional way of thinking. To “conspire” means to secretly commit evil and illegal actions. You could recognize it both as a good and bad thing, but it provides us with an alternate way of thinking. Of course, there are also cons to consider. Often, conspiracy theories can be manipulative by hiding specific facts to produce a certain theory. People can also go too far with them, and the outcome can be troubling. To a certain extent, I do not believe they are harmful, but instead, help us become more curious in life. So, what do conspiracy theories tell us about today's society? Overall, it reflects our inability to trust one another but shows creativity and change. At Havergal, conspiracy theories will prompt students to further inquiry, and increase the desire to learn. Let’s admit it; they are amusing and captivating to talk about with friends, teachers, or even family members. It's the “what ifs” that drive imagination and creative thinking. We should look at conspiracy theories like we look at stories. Let yourself be curious, ask questions, and think outside the box.

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