The Power of Nature

Do you walk to and from school every day? If you’re not, you should be! I love walking to school; it is such an amazing start to the day! Of course, we are always told that walking to and from school is much better for the environment. Yes, this is true, but as we are doing good things for the environment, the environment is doing good things for us! Studies have shown that walking, and exercising outside can have many mental and physical health benefits. Even just being in neutral, green environments can improve your wellbeing. I understand that many of us live farther away, meaning driving or taking public transit is the only sensible way to arrive at school on time. But any chance you have to walk somewhere, I strongly suggest you decide to walk!

According to Professor Jules Pretty at the University of Essex, there are three levels of engagement with nature. The first is viewing nature. This doesn't mean looking out a window, but also visualizing it through books, art, and television. Don’t you just love when a book describes its setting in beautiful detail? The second level is being in the present near nature. This could be reading a book outside, or walking to school! The final level is active participation in nature. This can be through gardening, running through a local park. I was surprised to find out that all three of these levels can have major health benefits, such as greater feelings of revitalization and decreases in stress, frustration, and sad feelings.

With all of your school projects, homework and commitments outside of school, it is very easy to get super caught up in life and not take the time to appreciate the little things. Nature's power is something that quite underestimated. Not only can the beauty of nature make you feel happy, but it can also make you calmer by reducing anxiety and fatigue. Have you ever heard someone say “I think I need some air”? Usually, this is said after a frustrating or confusing conversation or situation. And yes, a breath of fresh air can make you feel a hundred times better. I know I always feel more refreshed!

Not only are there mental health benefits to walking, and being in nature, but there are also Physical health benefits as well. Getting outside and being a part of nature by walking around can keep you active because nature has the power of making you want to go outside. We are so used to having to walk places that sometimes we forget that by walking we are actually exercising, which gives us energy and makes us feel great! Physically healthy people are 30% less likely to become depressed, and staying active as you get older helps improve memory and processing speed. This all circles back to being mentally healthy. When you feel physically healthy and fit, your self-confidence in yourself and the way you look is boosted and you will feel happier and more positive!

I found a very interesting quote from a woman with named Kath with bipolar disorder who found a love for walking that  changed her life: "Walking has always been there for me, my confidence has grown immensely. I'm a totally different person now than I was ten years ago and I owe so much of that to walking." Not only does Kath enjoy walking, but she has also seen changes in herself since she found her passion. You don't have to be a hardcore walker to be able to receive these benefits, but it will definitely help to walk just a little bit every day. Even just walking your dog  (or a friend's) can help. I will admit, that sometimes, when walking my dog I just focus on getting back home and continuing my homework, or how cold I am. But I have recently noticed that when I slow down and actually relax and pay more attention to my surrounds, the short walks I go on are actually quite enjoyable.

I strongly suggest you get outside, as the weather is finally getting warmer! Walk more often and enjoy it. Let yourself take time to notice the subtle beauty nature has, and you will feel much healthy, both physically and mentally.

Behind the Ivy HC