Hello from Grade 11 Reps

Dear Grade 11s, 

Hey everyone, just in case you missed it, Kate Fitzpatrick, Ariyana Makanjee, and Emma McCurdy-Franks are your Grade 11 representatives for this year, and we are so excited! We know that Grade 11 is going to be a busy but exciting year. So, we thought we would give you a few tips to help you make the transition into this year as smooth as possible, and to ensure that this is the best year yet.

We have three new girls joining our grade this year! If you see them in the halls or in class, please try to introduce yourselves and help them feel welcome! At first, Havergal can seem fast-paced and intimidating, so any kind gesture would be appreciated. 

Next, the workload. It is no secret that the Grade 11 workload is pretty daunting and that we will all have to work very hard this year, but there’s no need to worry because you will only stress yourself out more. Don't forget that we are always here to help or talk if you ever need anything. :) You are all very capable, and we know that you will all do amazing this year! Needless to say,  if you’re struggling, see your guidance counselor for some time-management help, talk to a trusted staff or adult, and remember that we also have a social worker (Ms. Parsons) at the school that you can always talk to. You can find her in the same area as the nurse’s office. We all have so much faith you will thrive this year, and remember, we are all in this together! 

Finally, although it’s sad that summer has now come to an end, we have so much to look forward to this year. For example, new and exciting courses, super fun grade bonding activities and, of course, Spirit Week. We are going for the four-peat, ladies!!! If you have any suggestions or ideas for what you want to do this year, definitely let us know! Have the best final few days of summer everyone, we cannot wait to get this year started! If you have a concern, question, or anything you want to talk about, please do not hesitate to contact any of the grade reps, we would love to talk to you! 

See you soon, 

Emma, Ariyana and Kate