Dear Grads...

Dear Class of 2019,

It’s your Grad Presidents: Amanda, Liz, Leah, Mackenzie, Mo, and Ali. We have finally made it to graduation year and we can’t wait to see how it all goes down. Get pumped for the long-awaited and well-deserved perks of our final year at Havergal College.

Senior year, despite its novelty, is not actually new to the class of 2019 (at least not conceptually). See, for what feels like the entirety of our lives, we have been reminded of the significance of our senior year. The graduation goggles, “senioritis”, and college-fuelled angina are some of the many traits we now associate with graduation.

On a pop culture level, movies like High School Musical, Senior Year, Superbad, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, A Cinderella Story, and countless others have reinforced images of senior year in our minds. We have been left with some vague understanding of the love, sorrow, happiness, and grandeur that awaits us.

In terms of our personal lives, the class of 2019 has already said goodbye to friends and siblings who partook in this rite of passage in years past, and who no doubt tried to prepare us for the days to come. “It will go unbelievably quickly,” we have been told. “It’s wild from start to finish,” they have reminded us.

However, despite how much we have been prepped and primed for this exact moment, it is doubtful that any one of us is truly prepared for what this year has to offer. If high school is a roller coaster, right now the class of 2019 is sitting at the top of an incline, waiting for the drop. We know the drop is coming; we see it before us. We would be stupid to expect otherwise. However, no amount of anticipation can ever really prepare us for the drop. One day soon, we will be surprised to find ourselves plummeting towards our futures.

By this, we mean to tell you there is nothing we can say or do to prepare ourselves for the 2018/2019 school year. No words on a piece of paper can successfully encapsulate the emotions we have yet to feel. All we can do now is support each other and savour every last moment we share. We cannot wait to see what this year has to offer. There is no group of people we would rather experience this sacred, scary, amazing adventure with than the Class of 2019.

Let’s make it great!


Your Grad Presidents

Our beloved grad presidents. PHOTOGRAPHER: KATHERINE BARR

Our beloved grad presidents. PHOTOGRAPHER: KATHERINE BARR

Behind the Ivy HC