Dear Class of 2022

Dear Class of 2022,

How do you do?

It is always good to start your day with a smile and a warm greeting from someone, so I am writing this special letter to say “hi” and meet all of you through words.

Like some of you, I was a New Girl to HC last September. And like most of you, I felt wildly unprepared for the stress of Opening Day. But we’ve finally made it to the end of September, so let’s take time to not only celebrate staying on top of our schedules and studying passionately, but also to reflect on how you have been adapting to this new learning environment, what you have not yet explored, and who you could seek out with questions or concerns. From my experience last year, it is always good to take a pause and do a self check-in.

Getting significant attention from the whole school and being offered so many opportunities definitely makes Grade 9 a challenging, yet exciting, year. However, just a heads-up: school can leave you feeling super-exhausted and frustrated, especially when you have several assignments due next Monday, along with additional club commitments. Don’t panic. Try to plan out commitments and assignments in advance so that you will have a clear idea of how to balance different tasks.

I understand that some of you are eager to try out for everything, or attend as many activities as possible. I was literally one of you. However, looking back, I really wish I had looked after my mental health more because, in the end, your memories of Grade 9 are based more on what you felt than what you achieved. So make some choices and always remember that you can try something next year as well. If you don’t plan on making a lot of commitments, good for you! You can make the most of your time by cherishing time with your friends and putting more effort into your assignments or hobbies.

And if you’re anything like me last year, you’re probably wondering: so how do I survive Grade 9? In terms of academics, watch out for English, Geography and Science because I personally thought the courses’ workloads became immense when overlapped together. Try to produce the most authentic and creative work you can for every subject. If your grades don’t start off where you wanted them to be, don’t feel defeated, and know that no one will judge you.

Most importantly, stay hydrated and well-rested, and get to know new girls, classmates you haven’t talked to before, or students in other grades. Visit the Guidance Office often, and find someone you can have enjoyable and stress-reducing conversations with.

I would like to share some warm bonus tips: 1) read the Wellness Tip written in the agenda for each week, 2) record some hilarious or happily-surprising moments of your day, and 3) make sure you go to bed at your normal time, even before a delayed-start day, to actually get good quality sleep.

Finally, as a first-time-meeting gift, I offer you this quote from last year’s agenda: “Balancing your life can be difficult. Schedule time for the things that are important to you. Remember to address your body, mind, and spirit.” From now on, you are actually on a countdown to graduating, because you have already started the marathon of high school. Stay chill; you still have a plenty of time. Keep calm and find a place to shine. Go, Class of 2022!

All the best wishes,

Sophy Wu (a Grade 10 girl already loving you guys)

Behind the Ivy HC