Issue 1 Horoscopes!

1. Taurus

School’s started and you’re in your groove… summer feels miles and miles away! That Caf line at lunch? No biggie. Those stairs from the A level to C level? Old hat. Sitting cross-legged during Prayers? Feet are still falling asleep. All those tests and assignments? Free time--what’s that? Never heard of it. You’ve successfully slipped back into your old Havergalian skin. Welcome back!

2. Cancer

This year you are going to have a deep-seated realization that, while not stylish, Oxfords are kinda, actually, really comfortable. The rebellious, free-spirited person you think you are might take a hit, but your feet will thank you.

3. Leo

This year you’re going to discover the unique (and draining) Havergal lunchtime meeting. Get ready to be busy! The only advice I can give is to enjoy the 25-minute break. It’s a gift. Thanks, HKD - we love it!

4. Pisces

This is the year you’ll discover or even re-appreciate the joys of a 25-minute break hot bevy. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea… fill up those ceramic mugs. Caffeinate, if that’s your thing. Find the pulse of the school in that mad rush to get in and out of the Caf. Sit back and watch the leaves change colour, drink in hand. Just beware: carrying that hot bevy in the hysteria of the Havergal halls is a new kind of daring and not recommended for the faint of heart.

5. Libra

This is the year to step up your ring game. Didn’t think you were a ring person? Well, think again – it’s Havergal-approved. So, mix, match, and mingle those rings. Maybe even be a little daring and try out a pinkie or thumb ring.

6. Aries

This is it. It’s the year. Gravity has finally decided to be your friend. Those green knee socks? They might actually stay pulled up.

7. Capricorn

You’ve gotten through the first few weeks of school. Congrats. Go treat yourself to a Caf cookie – you’ve earned it.

8. Aquarius

You’re going to need to shake things up this year. I’d suggest patterned socks or pink Crocs or something, but that’s not going to cut it with the uniform. Maybe try out those black pants? Or go HC retro with a turtleneck? Or, I got it here, try out those different Caf cookie flavours. I mean, go beyond the ordinary chocolate chip. Go into double chocolate and chocolate toffee territory. Maybe even go for a breakfast cookie at break. That’s a personal favourite.

9. Gemini

I just wanted to let you know that you’re killing it. Seriously, rock on, my friend. The only advice I could possibly give is to, well, be more you and to listen to more ABBA. Yeah, that’s about it.

10.  Virgo

This year’s going to be the pivotal year in your forest green love-hate relationship. Choose wisely.

11.  Scorpio

This season, you’re going to be really, and I mean really, into fall. Pumpkin spice lattes, flannels, sherpa sweaters, apple picking and pumpkin patches, thick socks, chai lattes, cable-knits… get into that aesthetic. We all secretly, and some of us not so secretly, feel the same way. Load up the Rinsta, my friends!

12.  Sagittarius

It’s right about time in your HC career where you’re going to discover your inner Havergator. Cheer loud and proud in your green and gold, my fellow Havergalian, and let that beast loose! You’re going to realize that school spirit is actually kinda cool.

Behind the Ivy HC