Dear Grads,

It’s that time of the year again - the universal stir of back-to-school - except it feels much different now: more bittersweet. We’ve had our last first day of school, our last picture day, our last set of schedules in our high school career. To keep it lighthearted and young in spirit, your 2019-2020 grad presidents have created an acrostic poem about what it means to be a grad; hopefully, it will bring back some elementary school nostalgia. 

G - Grateful to be surrounded by this group of 117 girls. It’s our final year, and we credit our friendships for keeping us on our toes. We know there’s stress around back-to-school, university, and our futures, but let’s try not to forget about each other during this time. Your friends should be among your greatest support systems; try not to focus all of your conversations on the stressors of senior year and, instead, look forward to the memories we will make together as the graduating class of 2020. 

R - Remember to value your time during your last year at Havergal. Every year, it seems as though time ticks by faster and faster. Yes, look forward to the milestones during the year that may bring you relief, but don’t waste senior year pining for college. Live in the present: be conscious and appreciative of the small moments of joy in your everyday life. What we are trying to say, essentially, is not to get too attached to either the highs or lows. Take life one day at a time.

A - Apply yourself to your studies and go the extra mile. Dive deep into your interests, emphasizing your dedication and unique abilities. You are your own biggest motivator. Set goals that are manageable, but also challenge and push yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable sometimes when the outcome can bring great success. 

D - Develop your own sense of self. Try not to be influenced by your peers. Get to know what YOU want, not what others are pressuring you to want. We are all different and should celebrate these differences. This is what makes a diverse community of people and ideas. No one can deny the fact that senior year comes with a certain set of expectations. Fulfill these expectations to the degree that makes you feel happy, not stressed. When you feel like the people around you don’t understand where you are coming from, assure yourself that your happiness is more important than succumbing to pressure. You are under no obligation to justify your choices to other people. Aim to satisfy yourself, not others. 

S - Set yourself up for success. Yes, we are aware that this is a broad and daunting statement. We are so lucky to go to a school like Havergal. Take advantage of the resources we have; don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether it’s to teachers or guidance counsellors. The next few months are going to be confusing, demanding, and taxing. There’s nothing wrong with admitting to your confusion and weaknesses. I'm sure most of us understand the difficulty of surrendering your ego, especially at a school where perfection is implicitly expected of us. Let your guard down, and you will be impressed with the growth you make as a person, and as a learner.