Hello From Grade 10 Reps

Dear Grade 10s, 

Hey Grade 10s! We’re your grade reps for this year: Madison, Irene and Kennedy. Welcome back to the returning students: it's great to see you all again. To the New Girls, welcome to HC! We cannot wait to meet you all and get to know you better, as well as help you get settled into HC. Here’s a little advice from us on how to make 2019/2020 the best year yet! 

Advice from Madison

Hi, I’m Madison, one of your grade reps for the 2019/2020 school year. I’m so thrilled to be representing such an awesome group of girls alongside Kennedy and Irene! As we embark on a new school year, the three of us are here to make your Grade Ten experience as enjoyable as possible. Here’s some advice to help you navigate through Havergal and make this year one to remember! First, some advice for the new girls; you will soon discover that the environment at Havergal is very friendly, welcoming, and supportive, so don’t be afraid to go up to someone and just say hi and introduce yourself.  Second, whether it’s figuring out who you are or the career path you want to pursue, keep in mind that it’s okay to not have everything figured out right now. Reach out to your classmates, teachers, and the tremendous resources at HC for advice and support. Use this year as an opportunity to explore and to get a better understanding of yourself and the person that you are or want to be. The next few years are going to fly by fast, so use this time to discover your talents or hone your interests by participating in one of the many clubs or sports teams at HC. 

Advice from Kennedy

Hi, I’m Kennedy, one of your grade reps for the 2019/2020 school year, and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for all of us. It is our responsibility to make this year as fun for everyone as possible, so here is some advice to make that happen. Havergal is a very busy school with a lot of things going on all the time, this sometimes makes it difficult to balance all of your activities, sports, and school work. The key is time management. Time management is so important: you need to prioritize tasks and know when things are due and how much time you need to spend on certain things. Using your agenda will help you with organizing your time, because you write down everything that is due on the day it is due and see a weekly layout. It is also so important to keep yourself mentally healthy. Leaving time for self-care is so important and getting enough sleep every night is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It is also important to get exercise. Exercise helps release endorphins and clear your head. If you can stay organized and on top of your work, I can promise you will love Havergal just as much as I do. I hope that you can take these things into the 2019/2020 school year with you and that everyone has a fantastic school year! 

Advice from Irene

Hey guys, I’m Irene, one of our three grade reps this year. I’m super excited about this year and I hope all of you are, too. We don’t know how this year will turn out, but we should try and make the best of it. I think Grade 10 is the year to experiment with new things and expand on your interests. It's the year to get comfortable being outside of our comfort zones and take risks without fear of failing. Join a different club, try out for a different sport, play a different instrument, go on exchange in a different country, whatever it may be. Don’t try to escape from changes, challenges, mistakes or the unknown but, rather, embrace them. Overcoming and facing these things is part of how we learn. Exploring new things is also a good way to connect with people around us, no matter how different they are. I don’t know about you, but Grade 10 has come really fast which means there are only a few years left for us at HC. That being said, let's all make an effort to talk to people we’ve never talked to before and be inclusive. This is especially important in bringing our grade together as a whole and creating a friendly community for each other. 

We hope you guys have a fantastic school year and just remember that if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just want someone to talk to, you can always come to us. Good luck!

Your Grade 10 Reps, 

Madison, Kennedy and Irene :)