A Reflection of the Decade

It’s hard to believe that this decade is almost at its close. For many of us, the past ten years have been formative growth years and some of the best times of our lives. For our younger readers, they may have forgotten how things were before this time. A wide array of dramatic changes have been made since 2010, including new inventions and technological advancements that have become part of our everyday lives.

Today, more than three-billion people are users of social media; this is no longer a fun pastime, but a lifestyle and even a job for some. Alongside social media comes an implicit set of rules such as how often to post and what counts as a funny caption. Although Instagram was only created in 2010, it is one of the most popular apps available today. The platform allows you to see what your favourite influencers are up to, create an aesthetically pleasing feed, and post those cute pictures of your dog. However, along with this ability can come with the overwhelming pressure to be perfect and present  the best version of your life. Many people report extreme stress over posting anything in case it doesn’t get enough likes and comments. To think that we didn’t even have Instagram ten years ago!

    Snapchat was also an invention of the 2010s. Now, you can see where anyone is through Snap Maps and send streaks to one hundred of your acquaintances. There’s not much to say about Snapchat; it’s one of those things nobody really likes but has to do , because it’s the only way people communicate.

     Pinterest was also created in 2011. Though it is a staple for anyone who wants to make mood boards to inspire themselves, it ultimately only stresses them out when they can’t recreate  the perfection they see portrayed in the heavily staged photos. Nonetheless, it’s useful for everything from workout plans to cupcake recipes to “sad girl hour” playlists.

           Do you remember the first iPhone? The rounded edges, the old app designs? The iPhone 3G was born at the start of this decade. iPhones definitely look a lot different now—the newest model has no home button, no headphone jack, and  3 cameras. While we’re chilling with our airpods, it’s hard to remember a time when Facetime didn’t exist and the helpful virtual assistance Siri was a distant promise.

  The convenience of Uber and Lyft is something many of us are so thankful for. It can be a lifesaver on a night out when public transportation is unsafe or no longer operating. For all of us who cannot drive, using Uber means we don’t need to rely on our parents as heavily for transportation: something that both parties are grateful for. Not to mention, UberEats is amazing. Delivery has always existed, but it’s never been as convenient as it is now . You can even get movie popcorn delivered to your door!

        Our technological advancements and recent studies have made climate change a grim reality. Our materialistic habits are finally catching up with us, and we now have the statistics to prove it. The effects of global warming become more severe and widespread with each day, with 2016 being the hottest year ever. Could this trend continue and become more extreme into the next decade? Luckily, the use of technology and social media has created a platform to warn and inform. Many HC students have shared their perspectives on the matter and taken part in climate initiatives like the global climate strike. Although this decade hasn’t brought about solutions, we can use our findings to look towards the future and act now.

    One thing that is clear is that we are ever-changing. No one could have predicted the way in which our society chose to embrace technology and dictate our lives. Now, we can’t imagine life without it. We can’t even begin to imagine the new things that are on the horizon for the 2020s. Hopefully we don’t get too carried away. We still must reflect on our human roots and recognize the importance of face to face chats and real life interactions. We need this, for our mental health, and for our innate needs.