

You work hard, go to extra help, and pay attention in class, but you still won’t always get that 4+, and that’s OK. It’s important to realize that one bad mark won’t kill you. Give yourself a break, join a team or club or something new for fun!  Extracurriculars can feel like just another weight sometimes, but they’re also there so school isn’t just about academics. The silliest clubs can be the most fun. If you’re still skeptical, take it from a girl who has been in “Division” of many teams and still loved her experience. 


Haven’t found a club you love or a team you feel at home in? You lucky Aquarius folks have the opportunity to bring something new to HC. You’ll feel right at home as a new club head or speaking out for yourself in a council. As long as there’s no one holding you back, there’s no limit to the things you can do. 


Sometimes you’ll grab the wrong binder, or forget to tell your parents about a bad mark because you decided to pretend like it never happened. That’s what being a Pisces is all about. To you, there are better things to worry about than these tiny mishaps. If telling your parents about a bad mark is going to cause stress, you don’t want it. Now is the perfect time to buy a new agenda to fall in love with. You and I both know that the only way you’re going to use it is if the focus isn’t on what you’re writing, but how it feels to write in it. So, treat yourself!


Are you that Grade 7 who runs to the cafeteria without knowing (or caring) what the snack is? Then you might be an Aries. Sure, “accidentally” nudging a grad can be exhilarating, but you need to SLOW DOWN. Literally, and metaphorically. Your life is a whirlwind. Don’t let the new school year run by you, knocking you over in the process, and forget to say sorry :( (true story). Appreciate the little things, and you’ll start singing “slow and steady wins the race” to hall runners in no time.


Winter at HC means only one thing: tests, projects and assignments in every single subject. If you’re a Taurus, you might feel the urge to tough it out and  to prove you really can do it all. But if crying in the English office the day the essay is due has taught me anything, it’s that there’s no point in keeping to yourself right now. You might be scoffing now, but believe me,  just go!.



Getting the “they need to be less social” comment in your report card? Then you must be a Gemini! Being a Gemini means you could easily chat the entire 75 minutes away in class. To flip that report card comment on the positive side, try using your power of speech for academic things. Harknesses, debate, and council are all great options for the Chatty Catty within you.



If life at HC seems like it’s moving a mile a minute, you’re probably a Cancer. Although you find comfort in taking your time to learn, it can be almost exhilarating to have a lot on your plate. There’s a reason why you think summer gets a bit boring a month in (don’t tell Admin, though). As a true believer of “YOLO”, I can also confirm that you also definitely only live Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 once, so really enjoy the busy lifestyle while you can.


You know that awkward moment when you completely destroy your friend’s point in a Harkness? If you answered “yes”, then you’re probably a Leo. Although the walk to Starbucks after that Harkness is a bit uncomfortable, don’t worry! Your energy in discussions can encourage others to chime in; even if it’s to prove you wrong. If you’re worried about dominating the conversation, try asking a question from someone who doesn’t normally speak. Beyond marked conversations, though, know that if you feel like your honesty is intimidating to some, it’s definitely impressive to others. 


If you get just a bit more hurt than others when you get let down by your teammates in a group project, you might be a Virgo. You aren’t responsible for the actions of others. Try to understand that  things don’t go to plan sometimes, and you’re not to blame. Take time to focus on yourself and your needs. Your caring nature will always shine through. 



I know it hurts when someone accidentally pushes you in the hall and doesn’t say sorry. But if this happened a week ago and you’re still upset, you might be a Libra. It’s okay to let things go. If your teacher calls you out in class, it’s not because they have a personal vendetta, they probably just felt interrupted. . It is important to take a step back and brush off the fact that someone cut in front of you and took the last after school snack. You have better things to worry about.



Have you ever brought your coat to last period to not miss the after-school snack and your ride home? If the answer is “yes”, then you’re probably a Scorpio. You’re calculating and plan ahead but also aren’t afraid to completely dominate the Harkness when everyone least expects it. By now, your teachers know you complete the learning skills requirements, so take it easy and give others the chance to be bold; maybe you’ll find a new study buddy. 



Does the “maximum of one club” rule make you sad? Wish you could play two sports per season?  You’re not indecisive, you just love juggling a lot at once, and you’re probably a Sagittarius. Even though doing debate, swimming, rowing, choir, cancer education club, and music connect seemed great at the time, it can be hard to dedicate enough time, effort, and energy to all those activities at once. Not to mention that on top of all that, you need to focus on your grades. Look, I’m not going to tell you shouldn’t do what you love, but as a fellow Sagittarius, I recommend discovering the joy of quitting. Instead of feeling guilty, focus on where you’re going to dedicate all that extra time.