Are Gen Z Becoming Witches?

All across social media, there has been a rise in the popularity of crystals, manifestation, astrology, witchcraft, and more. These spiritual practices are becoming more and more commonplace and it is important to recognize where they may come from. Spirituality is often defined as being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to physical objects or practices. This contrasts with religion, as there are no rituals or rites performed, and no right or wrong is clearly defined. Generation Z, or people born between 1997-2012, is considered by many the least religious generation, with a growing number of people not identifying with a particular religion and instead choosing to take parts from many religions or none at all in their daily lives. This can be celebrating holidays from multiple religions, or taking ideas that resonate with them from various religions into their beliefs.

Crystals are one way that this trend of practicing spirituality as opposed to religion has manifested. From small stones to large rocks to wearable crystals on necklaces or bracelets, there are endless forms they can take and endless options to choose from. Crystals have been used in Buddhist practices and are thought to originate in Ancient Egypt, India, Greece, or Rome. All across Tik Tok, and similar platforms there are videos showing the different properties and uses of each crystal, from quartz and amethyst to more rare crystals such as labradorite and unakite. Each crystal is unique, and thanks to globalization and social media, crystals mined from all over the world are available to us. My personal favourite is citrine, a yellow to clear stone that claims to increase creativity and promote happiness. Crystals are often used for meditation, grounding, or simply to look at and enjoy. Many believe they possess healing abilities, and although this has not been scientifically proven they have been seen to have emotional benefits.

The second way that spirituality is appearing more in Gen Z is through manifestation techniques. Methods such as the law of attraction, journaling your wants, or repeating affirmations are all ways people work to achieve their goals. Manifestation is often thought to be anti-religious, as it can ignore the existence of a God or Gods, instead putting power into the manifester’s hands to determine their fate. However, it is also thought to have come from Hinduism. It focuses on the energy of the individual, and putting out the energy you want to receive back. Manifestation has become increasingly popular, and phrases such as “I just need to manifest getting a good grade” or “I manifested that I got this job” are frequently used to get what you want. Using manifestation may not be a concrete way of achieving goals, however, it can make the manifestor feel much more confident and driven.

Astrology is closely tied to manifestation, as the alignment of various planets and moons can mean a better or worse time to manifest your wants for various star signs. Asking someone’s star sign has become a question of importance when getting to know someone, whether it be out of curiosity or concern. People who engage in astrology often do so to better understand themselves and others, and while someone’s star sign cannot fully determine who they really are, it is interesting to see trends in characteristics amongst people born during the same period of time. From birth charts to Buzzfeed quizzes, many Gen Zs engage with astrology whether they practice it or not. Aspects of astrology are found everywhere, including fashion and decor. Astrology dates back centuries to ancient Egypt, and the practice of observing stars to determine fate is nothing new. Astrology can be considered spiritual due to its relations to reflecting inwards on yourself.

A final manifestation of spirituality in Gen Z is witchcraft. Witchcraft traditionally means using magic or some form of supernatural powers to harm others and originated in early modern Europe. Modern witchcraft is different in many ways, and often involves aspects of using crystals, manifestation, reading tarot cards, and more. Book stores have been displaying books such as “Modern Witchcraft” and “Basic Witches” furthering the popularity of this spiritual practice. 

While it is not clear if these practices will replace religion in the future, or will simply exist alongside religion, their increase in popularity is affecting pop culture. Celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Megan Fox, Will Smith, and many more consider themselves spiritual or use crystals and manifestation. Many of these practices have been present in various cultures for centuries and are only now becoming mainstream. In 2017 a study found that one in five Americans identify as being spiritual, but not religious. A majority who identified as such have roots in religious practices, but focus more on spiritual practices while partaking in religious practices a few times per year. A lack of religious beliefs is often linked to being more accepting of diversity and less likely to give into peer pressure. Religion can be important due to the structure, community, and purpose it can provide however fewer people than ever find comfort in it. It leaves the question of whether Gen Z are really becoming witches, or whether this phenomenon is a trend. 
