From One Overwhelmed Gator to Another

Written by Dylan Adler
Edited by Dominique Cao
Cover Image by Alison Yu

What will it be like when we are beyond those ivy walls, looking back on everything with a smile and a scoff as we shake our head fondly?

My name is Dylan, I am in Grade 10, this is my second year at our amazing school, and today, I want to answer the above question. So, I sent out some laggy Zoom links and asked three truly amazing and kind graduates what they thought about this:

Mika Chang 

Upon graduating in 2021, Mika is now in her second year of university at McGill and lives in Montreal, Quebec. She is currently pursuing bioengineering and was a Sports Prefect at Havergal.

Jamie Kidson 

Upon graduating in 2016, Jamie is now a rowing coach at Havergal, and studied at Queen's University where she majored in computer engineering and minored in business. She is very passionate about the school and is a dedicated Marvel movie fan, with much of the wall of her office taken up by multiverse posters. 

Quinn Danniels 

Upon graduating in 2019, Quinn is now in her fourth year at Metropolitan University (Ryerson). She is a proud Marguerite, with a sister currently attending the school. As well, she was a Sports Prefect, and took band all the way through high school. 

Let’s Go Clubbing! | It is Crucial to Make Connections in All Aspects of the School

To begin, we all have gone through the stress of choosing electives and signing up for clubs and programs. Sometimes we do it for fun, but other times it is simply an opportunity to get us ahead, though I was surprised to find out that all three of the women urge students to sign up for sports. In particular, Jamie explained how they can give students a sense of purpose and dedication, and that it fosters teamwork as it was something you could not really do independently, but had to be supportive of your whole team. Both Jamie and Mika still remain in sports, with Jamie being one of the many awesome rowing coaches at the school and Mika on a women’s hockey team. 

As well, even if sports are not your thing, Quinn highly recommends that students do at least one program (even if it is just a club)––as it is crucial to make connections with different communities in the school. Overall, all three women agree that for students in Grades 9 and 10 especially, it is very important to take random courses, explore your interests, and relax a little. Some of them even conveyed their regret about not listening to this golden advice, and the opportunities they should have taken. 

#MonstersUniversity | Embrace Havergal’s Lessons

Even before you first walk through the ivy walls, university is on many students’ minds––but what about when you leave? “Do you feel ready and confident enough to handle it?” I asked them. And the answer was…YES! All three admitted that they were much better prepared than they had realized in so many ways! Jamie was surprised to find that she was actually fine in her first year of university and was able to manage everything––in comparison to other students who did not attend Havergal and could not handle it as well. “If academic stress can be reduced, it means a lot,” she said. 

As well, they expressed Havergal’s ingrained work ethic, which pushes students to want to work hard, take pride in the things they submit, and support classmates. “...Growing up in that environment taught me I can be comfortable and confident in every situation,” Quinn said, pridefully.

Illuminated Alumni | Live Every Moment to the Max

Finally, I asked what advice the alumni wished they had been given while still attending Havergal. 

In response to this question, Jamie described how she used to take a lot of videos on her phone of her rowing team and friends. However, she said that, especially in current times, it is very important to find a balance between “capturing the moment and living it.” 

Quinn said, “I wish someone had told me how important it was to shoot for the stars and believe there were no limits for me.”  In addition, she remarked on how privileged Havergal students really are, and that students should take advantage of all the opportunities the school has to offer. 

Furthermore, Mika explained that at Havergal, students should embrace every moment, make the most of everything, and enjoy their time while it still lasts. She advises students to cherish their memories, knowing with great satisfaction “they do not end after you leave those ivy walls.” 

Thinkin’ ‘bout Those Good Times | Cherish All of Your Experiences

Imagine jumping up and down in the stands as one of your teammates scores, enthusiasm and excitement rippling up and down the bleachers, or as a player, shooting across the ice while everyone cheers you on. Imagine putting on your white hoodie, and grinning at all of the friends you have made in the past four years, and all the memories you will leave behind in the coming. These are some of the favourite alumni experiences while at the school. All these experiences may seem so small and insignificant at the moment, but––as Mika would say––“know they do not end the moment you leave those ivy walls.” The same could be said about friendships. 

So, what can you take away from this? From one Gator to another––just every so often, can you take a breath? We put so much pressure on ourselves, it is literally insane. We are always moving forward to the next. First, it is getting to middle school, then it is getting to high school, then it is getting into university, then it is getting a job, then it is getting a promotion––and when does it stop? It is such a fast-moving flurry that sometimes we need to just stop and appreciate the ivy. 

Smell the ivy. Laugh with your friends. Embrace every lesson. Be thankful. Cherish your memories. 

To end it off, I want to thank these three incredible alumni: Mika, Jamie, and Quinn. I had so much fun talking and laughing with these fellow Gators! I would also like to thank the incredible Ms. Danto , without whom I could not have done any of this!