Arts at Havergal: How can you get involved?

Written by Ella Toffoletto
Edited by Jane Ling
Cover Image by Elena Siye Chen

As the year comes to a close, I want to reflect on something that I personally feel very passionate about: the arts. Over my years at Havergal, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in many of the art programs offered here such as drama, choir, band, and visual arts, and these programs have had a lasting impact on my continued passion for the arts. Arts are crucial to students: It teaches confidence, nurtures creativity, and helps us find ways to express ourselves. We Havergal students are lucky enough to access an array of courses and clubs in all areas of the arts. As a tribute to Havergal Arts, I spoke to some graduating students about what they have gotten from their experiences with the arts at Havergal and what they would do to make the Havergal art program even stronger.

First, I wanted to know how Havergal has influenced the relationships students have with the arts. It is important for students to feel that their school encourages them to explore their creative side as well as their academic side. For students to feel able to properly express themselves, they have to be in an environment that makes them feel safe. The students I spoke to agreed that Havergal makes an effort to nurture students' passion for the arts. They stated that the art community connected them to students beyond grade and houses; when a student sought them out, they could always find a passionate group of people to sketch, act, or sing with. The Havergal art community is welcoming and encouraging to any student who shares their love for the arts. With equally enthusiastic staff such as Mrs. Malach and Mrs. Morris, the arts community is buzzing with life and love. Graduating students specifically highlighted the opportunities for friendship within the arts community, not only is choir, the play, and clubs full upper school activities but the music retreat and art excursions help form bonds between the students who already share a passion for art. Incoming students get to meet grads who can offer guidance to anyone looking to explore art at Havergal and beyond. Many grads agreed that they’ve met many of their closest friends through the Havergal arts community. The art community is here and ready to greet you with open arms, and regardless of skill level and experience, there is a place waiting for anyone who cares enough to go for it.

Although it is clear that the Havergal arts community is a buzz and extensive one common thought I heard echoed was that the arts are not treated with the same respect as the sports programs at Havergal. The Havergal sports program is a beacon within our school, with athletic assemblies and awards multiple times a year, the Hewie Cup game, and immense love from the greater Havergal community. It is a wonderful way to bring the whole school together to support one another, however, Havergal and its students have the ability to treat the arts with the same amount of reverence and respect but don’t. In order to maintain a strong art community the whole school has a responsibility to show that we understand the importance and significance of the arts. The more encouragement the art community receives the more it will be able to grow and flourish; producing confident, strong artists who feel able to express themselves to the world in the medium of their choosing.

So in conclusion, if you were thinking about joining the Havergal arts community in any capacity, or if you are just considering it now after reading this, go for it! And next time there is a Havercrest play or music night, campaign and sell tickets like it's the superbowl because the arts are such a big part of what makes the Havergal community thrive.