Cozy Films to Keep you Warm Through the Winter

Written by Shirley Ren
Edited by Zifan Ye
Cover Image by Elise Su

As the temperature starts to freeze all of us from the inside out, it is easy to have low spirits around this time of year. Not to mention, having to deal with all the stress from this string of assessments before our long awaited break. In times like this, all you may need is a break from the busy world through a solid, enjoyable film. Here are six movie recommendations to watch while cozied up next to a fireplace in the cold weather. 

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

As a charming stop-motion animation with a dreamy orange colour palette, Fantastic Mr. Fox never fails to rekindle a childlike spark in all of us. Even though it may seem immature at face value, this movie is definitely not just for kids. What I like about Fantastic Mr. Fox is its ability to be silly through playful songs and natural dialogue — and really just how absurd the whole storyline is. I find that it really works anytime, anyplace, and with anyone. 

The Company of Strangers (1990)

This Canadian production is wholly unscripted, yet wonderfully illustrates the tale of seven elderly women being stranded in the wilderness. Human themes of mortality and relationships coupled with the beautiful nature of Quebec are what make this film so lovely to watch. The way these seniors share their stories so plainly and authentically reminds me of spending time with my grandparents, whom I don’t get to see often. It is a movie that evokes feelings of appreciation and warmth. Further, it may be easy these days to only watch commercialized Hollywood movies, but supporting local filmmakers is so crucial as well! 

Juno (2007)

Juno encapsulates the absurdity and awkwardness of the titular main character’s coming-of-age process through her unconventional teenage pregnancy. It carries all the quirks and humour of the 2000s twee era, while ultimately being wholesome with the plot’s resolution. For those reasons (plus the soundtrack and Michael Cera), Juno is one of my top comfort movies. I can count on Juno to be a light-hearted movie that always puts me in a good mood. 

Kedi (2016)

If you are more into documentaries (or cats) Kedi may be right up your alley. Through following the lives of stray cats in the streets of Istanbul, you learn about how they interact with citizens and urban spaces. Maybe it’s because I’m a huge cat person and the mother of two, but the absence of a plot didn’t bore me at all. With many wholesome and heartbreaking moments, glimpses of Turkish culture and lifestyle are shown by studying its charismatic felines. 

Before Sunrise (1995)

Two strangers meet in a chance encounter on a train to Vienna, and through the art of conversation they fall in love. This film depicts the bittersweet story of their short time together spent exploring Vienna and getting to know their complex and intriguing lives. Before Sunrise is also the first of a trilogy, which could be easily binged in one restless night if you get hooked. Though I must say that a tissue box and friends for emotional support are needed.

Fallen Angels (1995)

Wong Kar-Wai will transport you back to Hong Kong in the 90s with his characteristic green tint and experimental visuals. I find this movie so effective in cherishing the small pockets of love and joy within the lives of the three main characters coming from different walks of life. The atmospheric nature of Fallen Angels is perfect for those times when you just want to be transported to an entirely different world and forget about your homework for a while.