The Development of Generative A.I.

Written by Calla Alward
Edited by Maryam Khan

Technology plays a crucial role in our development as a species, and is becoming increasingly relevant every day. One of these big technologies is Generative A.I.. It is changing the way we do so many things, and it is improving our workplaces. The roots of generative AI can be traced back to the early days of artificial intelligence research. However, it wasn't until the emergence of deep learning techniques, particularly generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), that generative AI truly began to flourish.

So what is Generative A.I.? Generative A.I. is a technology that can create images, text, audios, and synthetic data. Synthetic data is the most important thing that it creates. While it’s nice to have A.I. helping us photoshop in Com Tech, the synthetic data that this A.I. creates is widely used in research as a ground base of information. The A.I. creates data that can help researchers have a place to start, and learn where to continue on from there. Due to the fact that this process is not done by humans, it helps to keep the information that is gathered safe from hackers, and it decreases the disclosure risk significantly. This technology has also helped us in the fields of virtual reality and scientific research as it can simulate complex environments, characters, and phenomena. These scenarios help researchers and developers to explore hypothetical situations, conduct experiments, and generate data that is then analyzed. A.I. is also developing virtual assistants that design tools and entertainment. By creating chatbots that make it seem as if you are talking with a person, Generative A.I. is changing the way we engage with the technology around us. 

Throughout the course of the past year the talk of Generative A.I. was that it would be used mainly on the cloud, which is a global network of servers that each have a different purpose. It is used for privacy, and can be a lot more affordable after it has been installed. Generative A.I. is becoming even more affordable and accessible to us as it becomes more popular, and more people are using it. It is said that this A.I is set to start helping with chip design. Chip design is a vital process to electronics, electronic development, and longevity. The process is quite intricate; it requires a lot of previous knowledge and experience. However, if we train the A.I. to do it perfectly, we can create more chips swiftly. This technology has changed the way we create advertisements. Particularly in the business world, companies are starting to use Generative A.I. to create content that is personalized to consumers wants and needs. These A.I. solutions are revolutionizing how we develop, protect, and create products and content, and how they are shown to the world.

In the future, Generative A.I. is set to help us with strategies and planning for many different things such as solving issues surrounding global warming. Since this technology is able to offer unique insights and come up with completely new data, it will be incredibly helpful in this planning. Generative A.I. is set to assist shorten the process of software development, which will provide improved technology and electronics significantly faster, and help companies such as Apple and Samsung keep up with consumer demands. In the far future it is said that this A.I. may even be able to assist doctors in hospitals and save them three hours a day, which would allow them to treat around 500 million more patients a year. 


Lawton, George. “What Is Generative Ai? Everything You Need to Know.” Enterprise AI, TechTarget, 18 Jan. 2024,,imagery%2C%20audio%20and%20synthetic%20data. Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. 

Marr, Bernard. “How Generative AI Will Change All of Our Jobs in 2024.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 20 Feb. 2024, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. 

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools.” Research Integrity & Assurance, 25 Sept. 2023,,or%20past%20human%20research%20participants. Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. 

“The Importance of Synthetic Data for Privacy Preservation.” Datomize, 14 Mar. 2021,,none%20of%20the%20privacy%20risks. Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. 

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