Empowering Voices and Celebrating Differences: Inside Havergal College's Diversity Committee

Written by Zhifan Ye
Edited by Dominique Cao
Cover Image from unsplash/JohnSchaidler

At Havergal College, a well-rounded independent school in Toronto, student governments play a crucial role in shaping the school's culture and making sure that every student feels included. One of the most active student assemblies is the Diversity Committee (DC).

DC is made up of passionate students, four heads, and two advisors – Ms. Santos and Mr. Fredenburg – who work tirelessly to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Havergal College. Throughout each school year, members and heads work together with the school administration, faculty, and staff to develop events and programs that support a community that is becoming increasingly diverse.

One of the most important aspects of DC’s work is creating a safe space where everyone's voice is heard and valued. Azadeh Hemani, an Internal Relations Head of Diversity Committee, says, "My favourite part of DC is having the space to have difficult conversations. They are always really valuable." These conversations challenge assumptions and encourage open-mindedness among students and faculty, leading to a deeper understanding of various perspectives and the ways impact different persons.

Karishma Kaushal, an External Communications Head, highlighted the unbeatable passion that exists within the Diversity Committee. "I personally love meeting new people in the school that are passionate about DEI through the Diversity Committee. It is incredible to witness the level of commitment and dedication students have towards bettering the Havergal community." In fact, everyone on the committee connects with like-minded peers, establishes meaningful relationships, and works collaboratively towards common goals.

Baylee Wilson and I are newer DC heads compared to Azadeh and Karishma. To us, DC to us is a place where everyone, no matter what age, background, ethnicity, or gender, gather up and develop solutions together. It is the place where everyone's opinions are heard and valued, which is crucial in a flourishing community like Havergal. In particular, Baylee loves how “Diversity Committee is such a welcoming and safe space where we learn so much about different cultures, identities, beliefs, and more.”

Indeed, our work includes organizing events and activities that celebrate diversity and raise awareness about the importance of inclusion. For instance, DC is a driving force during Diversity Week, where all student alliances and affinity groups come together to share personal experiences, learn from diverse perspectives and communicate feedback about DEI at Havergal.

As well, after actively listening to the opinions of all members, we designed many cultural fair events where students learn about different cultures and traditions from around the world. For example, one time we mixed up images of celebrations as well as descriptions of these festivals. Then, we put them on the board in random order and asked our members to match the photos with the text to the best of their abilities. We also did this activity with foods around the world, as shown by the image above. These events create opportunities for students to embrace diversity and broaden their horizons. Without any exaggeration, everyone loved these activities and wanted to see more of them.

All in all, Diversity Committee at Havergal College is a crucial part of the school community. Through the work of heads and members, a safe space has been established for initiating difficult conversations, building meaningful connections, and developing solutions that benefit everyone. Their dedication and commitment to DEI are essential to creating a more inclusive and equitable world, both within the school and beyond.